I think suicide is crucial to level out sanity amongst the population. Though selfish and half-baked, suicide could perhaps be the most selfless thing a person could do. I've seen many people die, and many of them were from suicide. As much as it hurts to lose those individuals, it is worse to think they could live on to spread the psychosis they have when they have children. It would be cruel to bring a child in to this earth who would have that problem, maybe share a gene that makes it possibly.
I would never high five a person for taking their own life, and I would be crushed if someone I was close with at this point in my life took their life. And surely someone who reads this has probably lost someone recently, and for that I am sorry. I just happen to look at it a little differently. Of course there are better options then killing yourself, so excercise those.
Cum on that face!
17 hours ago
I do agree. It is selfish to take your life when so many people care about you.